"Fresh Kills" is an exciting, thought-provoking, and ultimately moving film about two very different sisters - Connie (played by Odessa A'zion) and Rose (played by Emily Bader), and how they deal with growing up in a crime family. Written and directed by Jennifer Esposito in her directorial debut, it's an emotional roller coaster...gritty and violent one moment, heart-breaking the next.
Told from Rose's perspective as she tries her best to take control of her life despite the circumstances, and as she attempts to write her own story.
The acting is phenomenal from all involved, and the script is perfectly paced and resists the urge to go too far, staying firmly rooted in realism.
Rose and Connie are both particularly intriguing characters, and the performances are unforgettable.
I won't give away too much more, but if you're looking for a film about family and redemption, I highly recommend. It's a fresh take on a familiar topic. My biggest takeaway is that the greatest power we have sometimes is the power to change.
Can Rose change course and get behind the wheel of the plane?